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Statute Book of Finland


Statute Book of Finland

Statutes published in the Statute Book of Finland as text and as PDF facsimiles

Lag om upphävande av 78 § lagen angående specialomsorger om utvecklingsstörda

Type of statute
Date of Issue
Original publication
Booklet 113/2000 (Published 28.9.2000)

Text of original statute

No amendments or corrections will be made to the texts of the original statutes. These will appear in the updated statutes and the corrections will also appear in the PDF versions of the Statutes of Finland.

I enlighet med riksdagens beslut föreskrivs:

1 §

Genom denna lag upphävs 78 § lagen den 23 juni 1977 angående specialomsorger om utvecklingsstörda (519/1977).

2 §

Denna lag träder i kraft den 1 januari 2001.

RP 137/1999

ShUB 18/2000

RSv 100/2000

Helsingfors den 22 september 2000

Republikens President TARJA HALONENOmsorgsminister Osmo Soininvaara

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