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About the upgrade

The Finnish online database for legal materials, Finlex, has been renewed.

The upgrade improved Finlex's search features, made the content easier to retrieve, improved the usability and accessibility of the online service, and expanded the open data on regulations. The publishing features used by the authorities, courts, etc. were also improved. Finlex data is also available in machine-readable format as linked open data. For example, the data published in Finlex can be used to create new value added services.

A test (beta) version of the new service was released for test use on 28 October 2024. We got positive feedback on the test version and suggestions for development.

Finlex has served as a database of legal materials since 1981 and as an online service since 1997. Finlex consists of around 40 databases containing material produced by a variety of parties, including ministries, authorities and courts of law.

Even after the reform Finlex is a public service that anybody can use free of charge. There are no restrictions on use, on the right of access to information or on the utilisation of the data published in Finlex. All information published in Finlex is public.

Finlex is a free, public online database of legal information owned by the Ministry of Justice. The ministry uses the service to support the authorities in fulfilling their obligation to provide information and make it public. Finlex is maintained by the Legal Register Centre.

To give feedback or suggestions on how to develop Finlex, please email finlex-tuki@om.fi.

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