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Case law

Decisions of Finnish courts over several decades in Finnish and in Swedish

Supreme Court:

Precedents of the Supreme Court, plus separate databases for non-precedents and leaves to appeal.

Supreme Administrative Court

Decisions in the Supreme Administrative Court Yearbook, other published decisions and an archive of brief explanations of decisions.

Administrative courts

Judgements of administrative courts (and earlier county administrative courts) since 1981.

Courts of appeal

Judgements of courts of appeal in summary judgements and, since 2004, in long texts.

Market Court

Decisions of Market Court since 1979.

Labour Court

Judgements and opinions of the Labour Court since 1970.

Insurance Court

A selection of Insurance Court judgements on all categories of cases since 1961.

Case Law in Literature

The Case Law in Literature collection provides references to Finnish and European court decisions in Finnish legal literature since 1926

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