Finlex materials can be downloaded as open data using an API or through the user interface
Finlex data is available on the website and as open data. To access the open data, you can perform searches using a REST application programming interface (API) or access a user interface to download data packages.
The open data documents are in Akoma Ntoso XML format and in a folder structure based on it. Finlex open data follows the international Akoma Ntoso standard.
If you download data using the REST API, the data will be updated with a small delay when the document is published. If you choose the user interface to download data, the packages are updated once a day.
Read the REST API description and view an example of the Akoma Ntoso XML document. You can also learn more about the Akoma Ntoso schema and the Akoma Ntoso standard.
The Quick Guide will help you to get started with integration.