Flying displays and flying competitions
- Keywords
- flying display, airshow, flying competition, PDA
- Authority
- Traficom: Transport aviation
- Type
- Ordinance
- Number of set of orders
- OPS M1-2
- Date of Issue
- Entry into force
- Register number
- OPS M1-2 (TRAFICOM/325680/
- Available
Liikenne- ja viestintävirasto Traficom PL 320 00059 TRAFICOM 029 534 5000
- File of order
- English
Legal basis
Section 57 and 72 of the Aviation Act (864/2014)
Implementation of EU legislation
Change information
This Regulation repeals Aviation Regulation OPS M1-2 on flying displays and flying competitions (Lentonäytökset ja lentokilpailut) issued by the Finnish Civil Aviation Administration on 16 April 1997.