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Collective agreements

Further information on collective agreements

Collective agreements

Generally applicable collective agreements and decisions of the Committee for Confirming the General Applicability of Collective Agreements

Committee for Confirming the General Applicability of Collective Agreements

Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö

PL 3300023 Valtioneuvosto

Puhelin: 0295 16001

Sähköposti: tyoehtosopimukset.stm@gov.fi

According to chapter 2, section 7 of the Employment Contracts Act (55/2001) and chapter 2, section 6 of the Maritime Employment Contracts Act (756/2011), the employer shall observe at least the provisions of a national collective agreement considered representative in the sector in question (generally applicable collective agreement). The Committee for Confirming the General Applicability of Collective Agreements confirms by decision whether a national collective agreement is generally applicable.

This website publishes collective agreements that are generally applicable and the decisions of the said committee or the Labour Court that are in force. For more information on expired collective agreements and decisions on them, please contact the Committee for Confirming the General Applicability of Collective Agreements (in Finnish). In addition, agreements between central labour market organisations are published, the observance of which is indicated in each collective agreement as part of the collective agreement.

Collective agreements that are not generally binding are not published.

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