Yksityisoikeuden alaa koskeva yleissopimus kansainvälisestä lapsikaappauksesta
Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction
Konvention om de civila aspekterna på internationella bortföranden av barn
- Sopimustyyppi
- II Monenväliset sopimukset
- 5. Työ, perhe, sosiaaliturva
- 5.2. perhe
- Sopimusosapuolen nimi
- Voimaantulotiedot
- Kansainvälinen voimaantulopäivä
- Huomautukset
- Lesothon eikä Kazakstanin liittymistä sopimukseen.
- Kansainvälinen voimaantulopäivä
- Huomautukset
- Guinean
- Kansainvälinen voimaantulopäivä
- Huomautukset
- Etelä-Korean
- Kansainvälinen voimaantulopäivä
- Huomautukset
- Singaporen
- Kansainvälinen voimaantulopäivä
- Huomautukset
- Gabonin
- Kansainvälinen voimaantulopäivä
- Huomautukset
- Sambian
- Sopimuksen tallettaja
- Alankomaat
- Alkamispäivä
- Kansainvälinen voimaantulopäivä
- Huomautukset
- Suomi ei ole vielä hyväksynyt Irakin
- Kansainvälinen voimaantulopäivä
- Allekirjoittaminen
- Haag
- Ratifiointipäivä
- H
Sitoutumispäivä: R
The Kingdom of the Netherlands shall not be bound to assume any costs referred to in the second paragraph of Article 26 of the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, done at The Hague on 25 October 1980, resulting from the participation of legal counsel or advisers or from court proceedings, except insofar as those costs may be covered by its system of legal aid and advice...
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Reservation: Article 26 In accordance with Article 42 of the Convention, the Republic of Albania reserves the right that it shall not be bound to assume any costs referred to in the second paragraph of Article 26 of the Convention resulting from the participation of legal counsel or advisers or from court proceedings, except insofar as those costs may be covered by its system of legal aid and advise.
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Reservations Articles: 24,26 (Translation) Reservation relating to article 24. In accordance with the provisions of article 42 and pursuant to article 24, second paragraph of the Convention, the Principality of Andorra declares that it will not accept the applications, communications and other documents sent to its Authority unless they are accompanied by a translation into Catalan or, where that is not feasible, a translation into French. Reservation relating to article 26. In accordance with the provisions of article 42 and pursuant to article 26, third paragraph of the Convention, the Principality of Andorra declares that it will not be bound to assume any costs referred to in the second paragraph of the article in question resulting from the participation of legal counsel or advisers or from court proceedings except in so far as those costs may be covered by the Andorran system of legal aid and advice.
Sitoutumispäivä: R
DECLARATION Argentina, 13-05-2020 ?????? in relation to the notification n?? 09/2020 dated 30 April 2020, by which the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland mentions the Malvinas Islands in the acceptance of the accession of the Dominican Republic to the Convention. The Argentine Republic recalls that by Notes AE N?? 33/98 dated 30 May 1998, 47/98 dated 13 July 1998 and the statement of 4 August 2009 it rejected the pretension of the United Kingdom to extend the application of the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction to the Malvinas, South Georgias and South Sandwich Islands and the surrounding maritime areas, as notified by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as well as the acts related to the appointment of the illegitimate government of Malvinas as the central authority of the Convention and the acceptance of the accession and entry into force of the Convention for Bulgaria, Costa Rica and El Salvador on behalf of the Malvinas Islands. In light of such precedents, the Argentine Republic rejects the pretension of the United Kingdom to include the Malvinas Islands in the acceptance of the Dominican Republic's accession to the Convention. The Government of the Argentine Republic wishes to recall that the Malvinas, South Georgias and South Sandwich Islands and the surrounding maritime areas are an integral part of the Argentine national territory and that, being under illegitimate British occupation are object of a sovereignty dispute between both countries, which is recognized by Resolution 2065 (XX) and subsequent ones of the United Nations General Assembly and more than 40 resolutions of the Special Committee on Decolonization, as well as of other international organizations. In that sense, it is recalled that the United Nations General Assembly calls upon the Argentine Republic and the United Kingdom to resume negotiations on sovereignty in order to find a peaceful and definitive solution.???
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Articles 24, 26 Pursuant to Article 42 of the Convention(...), the Republic of Armenia makes the following reservations: 1. With regard to Article 24, applications, communications or other documents sent to the Central Authority of the Republic of Armenia shall be in original languages and shall be accompanied by a translation into Armenian or, where that is not feasible, a translation into English. 2. With regard to Article 26, the Republic of Armenia shall not be bound to assume any costs referred to in Article 26, second paragraph, resulting from the participation of legal counsel or advisers or from court proceedings, except insofar as those costs may be covered by its system of legal aid and advice.
Sitoutumispäivä: R
The Convention extends to the legal system applicable only in the Australian States and mainland Territories.
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Sitoutumispäivä: R
Sitoutumispäivä: L
1) any application or other documents transmitted to the Central Authority under the Convention must be accompanied by a translation in English and not in French and 2) Belize will not be bound to assume any costs relating to applications under the Convention resulting from participation of legal councel or advisers, or from court proceedings, except insofar as these costs may be covered by its system of legal aid and advice.
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Reservations: With regard to Article 24 of the "Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction" foreign documents annexed to return applications to be submitted in English or French, must also attach a Spanish translation by a sworn translator. With regard to Article 26 of the "Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction", the Plurinational State of Bolivia is not obliged to take any expenses arising from the participation of a lawyer or legal advisers or from court proceedings, except insofar as those costs may be covered by a system of legal assistance and legal advice.
Sitoutumispäivä: R
Sitoutumispäivä: L
...with a reservation as provided for in Article 24 of the said Convention (permitted under Article 42), to the effect that foreign documents appended to legal instruments must be accompanied by a translation into Portuguese done by a sworn translator.
Sitoutumispäivä: L
In accordance with Article 42, paragraph 1, of the Convention, the Republic of Bulgaria declares it shall not be bound to assume any costs and expenses resulting from proceedings or, where applicable, those arising from the participation of legal counsel and those of returning the child."
Burkina faso
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Chile understands Article 3 of the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction in the sense that it is not inconsistent with the national legislation which provides that the right to guardianship and custody is exercised until the age of 18.
Costa rica
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Dominikaaninen tasavalta
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Sitoutumispäivä: L
El salvador
Sitoutumispäivä: L
1. The Government of the Republic of El Salvador shall not be bound to assume the costs referred to in Article 26, paragraph 2, except insofar as those costs may be covered by its system of legal aid and advise; 2. The Government of the Republic of El Salvador interprets Article 3 with the domestic legislation of the Republic whereby the age of majority is eighteen years; 3. The Government of the Republic of El Salvador, in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1, designates as its Central Authority the ISPM: Instituto de Protecci?n al Menor (Institute for the Protection of the Child( - Colonia Costa Rica, Ave. Iraz?, final Calle Santa Marta, Complejo "La Gloria", San Salvador. T?l. (503) 270-4142, fax: (503) 270-1348- and the PGR: Procuradur?a General de la Rep?blica (Office of the Procurator of the Republic( -9( Calle Poniente, Edificio Ex. Antel. Centro de Gobierno, San Salvador. T?l. (503) 281-1888, fax: (503) 281-0628-; 4. The Government of the Republic of El Salvador declares that all documentation sent to El Salvador in application of the said Convention must be accompanied by an official translation into Spanish.
Sitoutumispäivä: R
Sitoutumispäivä: L
(a) That the use of French in any application, communication or other document sent to the Central Authority of the Republic of South Africa, as provided for in Article 24 of the Convention, is objected to, and that such documents shall not be accepted in French. (b) That the Republic of South Africa shall not be bound to assume any costs referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 26 of the Convention resulting from the participation of legal counsel or advisers or from court proceedings, except those costs which may be covered by the system of legal aid in terms of the Legal Aid Act, 1969 (Act. No. 22 of 1969).
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Declarations Reservations Articles: 24,26,42 1. Pursuant to Article 42 and 24 of the Convention, the Republic of Korea objects to the use of French in any application, communication or other document sent to its Central Authority. 2. Pursuant to Article 42 and 26 of the Convention, the Republic of Korea declares that it shall not be bound to assume any costs referred to in the second paragraph of Article 26 resulting from the participation of legal counsel or advisers or from court proceedings, except insofar as those costs may be covered by its system of legal aid and advise.
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Authorities: Ministry for Social Welfare & Poverty Alleviation P.O.Box 2127 Government Buildings Suva Republic of the Fiji Islands Contact details: Fax +679 330 5110 Tel +679 331 2848/ 331 5931
Sitoutumispäivä: L
In accordance with Article 38, fourth paragraph, of the Convention, the accession will have effect only as regards the relations between the Philippines and such Contracting States as will have declared their acceptance of the accession. In accordance with Article 38, fifth paragraph, the Convention will enter into force between the Philippines and the State that has declared its acceptance of the accession on the first day of the third calendar month after the deposit of the declaration of acceptance.
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Sitoutumispäivä: L
1. The Central Authority is the Procuradur?a General de la Naci?n, address 15 avenida 9-69 Zona 13, Ciudad de Guatemala, C?digo Postal 01013, phones: (502) 331 0006 - 8. Fax: (502) 332 1804. 2. The Republic of Guatemala formulates the following reservs according to the Article 42 of the Convention: I. The Republic of Guatemala oppose itself to the use of French in all the requests, communication and other documents to be sent to the Central Authority, based in the second paragraph of the Article 24 of the Convention (if applicable). II. The Republic of Guatemala is not obligated to assume any kind of expenses mentioned on the second paragraph of the Article 26 of the Convention, derived from the participation of a lawyer, legal advisors or the judiciary procedure, except insofar as those costs may be covered by its system of legal advice.
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Subject to the reservation provided for in Article 26, third paragraph, of the Convention.
Alueellinen soveltaminen: Sovelletaan Hongkongiin Kiinan erityishallintoalueena. 1. In accordance with the provisions of Article 42 of the Convention, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will not be bound to bear any costs referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 26 of the Convention resulting from the participation of legal counsel or advisers or from court proceedings, except insofar as those costs may be covered by its system of legal aid and advice; 2. In accordance with Article 6 of the Convention, it designates the Secretary of Justice of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as the Central Authority for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Sitoutumispäivä: R
Sitoutumispäivä: L
1. In accordance with Article 42, paragraph 1, and Article 24, paragraph 2, of the Convention, Iceland makes a reservation with regard to Article 24, paragraph 1, and objects the use of French in any application, communication or other document sent to its Central Authority. 2. In accordance with Article 42, paragraph 1, and Article 26, paragraph 3, of the Convention, Iceland makes a reservation that it shall not be bound to assume any costs referred to in Article 26, paragraph 2, resulting from the participation of legal counsel or advisers or from court proceedings, except insofar as those costs may be covered by its system of legal aid and advice. The other provisions of the Convention shall be inviolably observed.
Sitoutumispäivä: R
Ratification in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland only and under the following reservation. ..., in accordance with the provisions of Article 42 of the Convention, the United Kingdom declares that it shall not be bound to assume any costs referred to in the second paragraph of Article 26 of the Convention resulting from the participation of legal councel or advisers or from court proceedings, except insofar as those costs may be covered by its system of legal aid and advise. Extension to the Cayman Islands. Extension to the Falkland Islands, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Alueellinen soveltaminen: Sovelletaan myös Mansaareen 01.09.1991 lukien, Falklandinsaariin 01.06.1998 lukien, Caymansaariin 01.08.1998 lukien, Montserratiin 01.03.1999 lukien, Bermudaan 01.03.1999 lukien ja Anguillaan 01.09.2007 lukien.
Sitoutumispäivä: R
Under the following reservation. In accordance with Articles 26 and 42 of the Convention, the State of Israel hereby declares that, in proceedings under the Convention, it shall not be bound to assume any costs resulting from the participation of legal councel or advisers or from court proceedings, except insofar as those costs may be covered by its system of legal aid and advice.
Sitoutumispäivä: R
Sitoutumispäivä: R
Sitoutumispäivä: L
In accordance with Articles 26 and 42 of the Convention, Jamaica hereby declares that, in proceedings under the Convention, it shall not be bound to assume any costs resulting from participation of legal counsel or advisers or from court proceedings, except insofar as those costs are covered by its system of legal aid and advice.
Sitoutumispäivä: R
Reservations Articles: 24,26 Pursuant to Article 24, paragraph 2 of the Convention, the Government of Japan objects to the use of French in any application, communication or other document sent to its Central Authority. Pursuant to Article 26, paragraph 3 of the Convention, the Government of Japan declares that it shall not be bound to assume any costs referred to in Article 26, paragraph 2 resulting from the participation of legal counsel or advisers or from court proceedings, except insofar as those costs may be covered by its system of legal aid and advice.
Sitoutumispäivä: R
In accordance with the provisions of Article 42 and pursuant to Article 26, paragraph 3, the Government of Canada declares that, with respect to applications submitted under the Convention concerning the Provinces of Ontario, New Brunswick and British Columbia, Canada will assume the costs referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 26 only insofar as these costs are covered by the system of legal aid of the Province concerned. The Government of Canada further declares that it may at any time submit other declarations or reservations, pursuant to Articles 6, 40 and 42 of the Convention, with respect to other territorial units. (Vastaava varauma on my?hemmin tehty kunkin provinssin osalta.) Alueellinen soveltaminen: Ontario, New Brunswick, British Columbia, Manitoba: 01.12.1983. Nova Scotia: 01.05.1984. Newfoundland: 01.10.1984. Quebec: 01.01.1985. Yukon: 01.02.1985. Prince Edward Island: 01.05.1986. Saskatchewan: 01.11.1986. Alberta: 01.02.1987. Northwest Territories: 01.04.1988. Nunavut: 01.01.2001.
Kap verde
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Reservations Articles: 26 The Republic of Kazakhstan, in accordance with Article 42, declares that it shall not be bound to assume any costs referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 26 resulting from the participation of legal counsel or advisers or from court proceedings, except insofar as those costs may be covered by its system of legal aid and advice.
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Sitoutumispäivä: R
1. En vertu de l?article 42 de la Convention sur les aspects civils de l?enlevement international d?enfants, la Grece d?clare qu?elle n?est tenue au paiement des frais vis?s au deuxieme paragraphe de l?article 26 et qui sont li?s a la participation d?un avocat ou d?un conseiller juridique ou aux frais de justice, que dans la mesure ou ces couts concernent des cas d?assistance judiciaire ou juridique offerte gratuitement. 2. En vertu de l?article 42 de la Convention ci-dessus mentionn?e, la Grece d?clare qu?elle s?oppose a l?usage pr?vu par l?article 24 de la langue francaise concernant toute demande, communication ou autre document adress? a son Autorit? Centrale.
Sitoutumispäivä: R
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Sitoutumispäivä: L
In accordance with the Article 42 and 24, paragraph 2, of the Convention the Republic of Latvia declares that it accepts only the use of English in any application, communication or other documents sent to its Central Authority. In accordance with Article 6 of the Convention the Republic of Latvia declares that the Central Authority is: National Center for the Rights of the Child Brivibas iela 85, Riga, LV-1001 Latvia Phone: +371 7315700 Fax: +371 7314914 E-mail: centrs@vbtac.lv
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Sitoutumispäivä: L
1. Pursuant to Article 42 and paragraph 2 of Article 24 of the Convention, the Republic of Lithuania consents to using only the English language for any application, communication or other document sent to its Central Authority; 2. Pursuant to Article 42 and paragraph 3 of Article 26 of the Convention, the Republic of Lithuania shall not be bound to assume any costs referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 26 of the Convention resulting from court proceedings or from the participation of legal counsel or advisers, except insofar as those costs may be covered by the system of legal aid and advise of the Republic of Lithuania. ************************ DECLARATION Lithuania, 16-06-2020 ???The Government of the Republic of Lithuania takes note of the Declarations submitted by Ukraine on 16 October 2015 regarding the application of the Convention on Civil Procedure (1954), the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents (1961), the Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters (1965), the Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters (1970), the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (1980) and the Convention on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Co-operation in Respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children (1996) to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol and of the Declarations submitted by the Russian Federation on 19 July 2016 in relation to the Declarations made by Ukraine. In relation to the Declarations made by the Russian Federation, the Government of the Republic of Lithuania declares, in line with the conclusions of the European Council of 20/21 March 2014, that it does not recognize the illegal referendum in Crimea and the illegal annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol to the Russian Federation. As regards the territorial scope of the above Conventions, the Government of the Republic of Lithuania therefore considers that the conventions in principle continue to apply to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol as part of the territory of Ukraine. The Government of the Republic of Lithuania further notes the Declaration by Ukraine that the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol are temporarily not under the control of Ukraine and that the application and implementation by Ukraine of its obligations under the Conventions is limited and not guaranteed in relation to this part of Ukraine's territory, and that only the central authorities of Ukraine in Kyiv will determine the procedure for relevant communication. As a consequence of the above, the Government of the Republic of Lithuania declares that it will not engage in any direct communication or interaction with authorities in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol and will not accept any documents or requests emanating from such authorities or through the authorities of the Russian Federation, but will only engage with the central authorities of Ukraine in Kyiv for the purposes of the application and implementation of the said conventions.??? The Hague, 19 June 2020
Sitoutumispäivä: R
Le Grand-Duch? de Luxembourg d?clare qu?il ne sera tenu au payement des frais vis?s a l?article 26, alin?a 2 de la Convention, a savoir des frais li?s a la participation d?un avocat ou d?un conseiller juridique, ou aux frais de justice, que dans la mesure ou ces couts sont couverts par le systeme luxembourgeois d?assistance judiciaire et juridique.
Alueellinen soveltaminen: Sovelletaan Macaoon Kiinan erityishallintoalueena.
Sitoutumispäivä: R
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Sitoutumispäivä: L
...the Ministry of Justice of Morocco will assume the functions of the Central National Authority under Article 6 of the Convention.
Sitoutumispäivä: L
The Republic of Mauritius declares that it shall not be bound to assume any costs referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 26 resulting from the participation of legal councel or advisers or from court proceedings, except insofar as those costs may be covered by its system of legal aid and advise.
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Sitoutumispäivä: L
In accordance with the provisions of Article 42 of the Convention, pursuant to Article 26, paragraph 3, the Republic of Moldova declares that the Republic of Moldova will assume the costs referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 26 only insofar as these costs are covered by the national system of legal and judicial aid.
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Conform?ment a l?article 26 alin?a 3 de la Convention, la Principaut? de Monaco d?clare n?etre tenue au paiement des frais vis?s a l?article 26 alin?a 2, li?s a la participation d?un avocat ou d?un conseiller juridique, ou aux frais de justice, que dans la mesure ou ces couts peuvent etre couverts par son systeme d?assistance judiciaire et juridique.
Sitoutumispäivä: VS
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Sitoutumispäivä: R
1. In accordance with Articles 24 and 42, the Norwegian Government reserves the right not to accept applications, communications or other documents sent to the General Authority in French. 2. In accordance with Articles 26 and 42, Norway makes the reservation that it shall not be bound to assume any costs resulting from the participation of legal counsel or advisers or from court proceedings, except insofar as those costs may be covered by Act of 13 June 1980 relating to free legal aid.
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Article 24 The document should be in English language. Article 26 It shall not be bound to assume any costs referred to in the second paragraph of Article 26 of the Convention resulting from the participation of legal counsel or advisers or from court proceedings, except insofar as those costs may be covered by its system of legal aid and advice. AUTHORITY Pakistan, 24-12-2020 Central Authority: Ministry of Law and Justice
Sitoutumispäivä: L
1. - 2. Asimismo, la Republica de Panama declara que no esta obligada a asumir ningun gasto de los mencionados en el parrafo primero del Articulo 26 del Convenio, que se deriven de la participacion de un abogado o asesores juridicos o del proceso judicial, excepto en la medida que dichos gastos puedan quedar cubiertos por un sistema de asistencia judicial y asesoramiento juridico.
Sitoutumispäivä: L
1. The Government of Paraguay, pursuant to dispositions of Chapter II, Article 6 of the Convention on the civil aspects of international child abduction (25 October 1980), has designated the Direction of the Protection of the Child, Ministry of Justice and Labour, as the Central Authority (address: Gaspar Rodr?gues de Francia c/EE.UU., telephone: (595-21) 494405, Director: Lourdes Peralta). 2. The above mentioned Central Authority will discharge the duties imposed by said Convention.
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Sitoutumispäivä: R
Sitoutumispäivä: L
En vertu de l??article 42 la R??publique de Pologne fait la r??serve a l??article 26 alin??a 3 de la Convention ci-haut mentionn??e et d??clare qu??elle n??est tenue au paiement des frais vis??s a l??alin??a pr??c??dent, li??s a la participation d??un avocat ou d??un conseiller juridique, ou aux frais de justice, que dans la mesure ou ces couts peuvent etre couverts par son systeme d??assistance judiciaire et juridique. ************************* DECLARATION Poland, 29-04-2021 ???The Republic of Poland takes note of the Declarations submitted by Ukraine on 16 October 2015 regarding the application of the Convention on civil procedure (1954), the Convention on the service abroad of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters (1965), the Convention on the taking of evidence abroad in civil or commercial matters (1970), the Convention on the recognition and enforcement of decisions relating to maintenance obligations (1973), the Convention on the civil aspects of international child abduction (1980) and the Convention on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition, enforcement and co-operation in respect of parental responsibility and measures for the protection of children (1996) and of the Declarations submitted by the Russian Federation on 19 July 2016 in relation to the Declarations made by Ukraine. In relation to the Declarations made by the Russian Federation, the Republic of Poland declares, in accordance with the duty of non-recognition as lawful a situation created by a serious breach by State of an obligation arising under a peremptory norm of general international law and in line with the conclusions of the European Council of 20/21 March 2014, that it does not recognize the illegal referendum in Crimea and the illegal annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol to the Russian Federation. As regards the territorial scope of the above Conventions, the Republic of Poland therefore considers that the Conventions in principle continue to apply to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol as part of the territory of Ukraine. The Republic of Poland further notes the Declarations by Ukraine that the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol as well as certain districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine are temporarily not under the control of Ukraine and that the application and implementation by Ukraine of its obligations under the Conventions is limited and not guaranteed in relation to this part of Ukraine's territory, and that only the government of Ukraine will determine the procedure for relevant communication. As a consequence of the above, the Republic of Poland declares that it will not engage in any direct communication or interaction with authorities in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol as well as in certain districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine and will not accept any documents or requests emanating from such authorities or through the authorities of the Russian Federation, but will only engage with the central authorities of Ukraine for the purposes of the application and implementation of the conventions.???
Sitoutumispäivä: R
Alueellinen soveltaminen: Sovelletaan Ranskan tasavallan koko alueella. Conform?ment aux dispositions de l?article 42 et par application de l?article 24, alin?a 2, il ne donnera suite qu?aux demandes r?dig?es en langue francaise ou accompagn?es d?une traduction en langue francaise et exigera la traduction en langue francaise de toute communication ou document adress? a son autorit? centrale. Conform?ment aux dispositions de l?article 42 et par application de l?article 26, alin?a 3, il d?clare qu?il ne prendra en charge les frais vis?s a l?alin?a 2 de l?article 26 que dans la mesure ou ces frais sont couverts par le systeme francais d?aide judiciaire. Conform?ment aux dispositions de l??article 39, il d?clare que la Convention s??appliquera ? l??ensemble du territoire de la République Fran(aise.
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Sitoutumispäivä: R
In accordance with the provisions of Article 42 and pursuant to Article 42 and pursuant to Article 26, Sweden declares that it shall not be bound to assume any costs referred to in Article 26, paragraph 2, resulting from the participation of legal counsel or advisers or from court proceedings, except insofar as those costs may be covered by the Swedish system of legal aid.
Saint kitts ja nevis
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Saint Kitts and Nevis is not bound to assume any costs resulting under the Convention from the participation of legal counsel or advisers or from court proceedings in terms of paragraph 3 of Article 26 of the Convention.
Sitoutumispäivä: R
Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland erkl?rt in ?bereinstimmung mit Artikel 26 Abs. 3, dass sie nur insoweit gebunden ist, die sich aus der Beiordnung eines Rechtsanwalts oder aus einem Gerichts-verfahren ergebenden Kosten im Sinn des Artikels 26 Abs. 2 zu ?bernehmen, als diese Kosten durch ihre Vorschriften ?ber die Prozesskosten und Beratungshilfe gedeckt sind. Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland geht davon aus, dass Ersuchen aus anderen Vertragsstaaten gem?ss Artikel 24 Abs. 1 regelm?ssig von einer deutschen ?bersetzung begleitet sein werken.
San marino
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Declarations Articles: 26 "In conformity with Article 26, paragraph 3, of the Convention, the Republic of San Marino declares that it shall not be bound to assume any costs referred to in Article 26, paragraph 2, resulting from the participation of legal counsel or advisers or from court proceedings, except insofar as those costs may be covered by its system of legal aid and advice."
Sitoutumispäivä: VS
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Seychelles - Central Authority Ms Linda William Director of Social Services Ministry of Health and Social Development P.O. Box 190, Victoria House Tel: (00 248) 72 33 09 (00 248) 28 18 33 Fax: (00 248) 22 56 56 dgsa@seychelles.net
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Reservations Articles: 24,26 1. In accordance with the provisions of Article 42 and pursuant to the second paragraph of Article 24, the Republic of Singapore makes the reservation that: All applications, communications and other documents sent to the Central Authority of Singapore shall, if it is in a language other than English, be accompanied by their translation into English. 2. In accordance with the provisions of Article 42 and pursuant to the third paragraph of Article 26, the Republic of Singapore makes the reservation that: It shall not be bound to assume any costs referred to in the second paragraph of Article 26 resulting from the participation of legal counsel or advisers or from court proceedings, except insofar as those costs may be covered by its system of legal aid and advice.
Sitoutumispäivä: R
The Slovak Republic avails itself of the possibility to make a reservation under Article 42 of the Convention of 25 October 1980 on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction and, in accordance with its Article 26, paragraph 3, declares that it shall not be bound to assume any costs referred to in Article 26, paragraph 2, resulting from the participation of legal counsel or advisers or from court proceedings, except insofar as those costs may be covered by its system of legal aid and advice. In accordance with Article 6 of the Convention, Slovakia designated the following Central Authority: ??the Centre for International Legal Protection of Children and Youth in Bratislava??.
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Sri lanka
Sitoutumispäivä: L
With the following reservations: Reservations as provided for in Article 42 of the Convention as regards Article 24 and 26. Article 24: For purposes of Article 24, the documents should be in the English Language. Article 26 (3): For purposes of Article 26 (3) Sri Lanka should not be bound to assume any costs referred to in the preceding paragraph resulting from the participation of Legal Counsel or advisers or from Court proceedings except in so far as those, costs may be covered by the legal aid and advice system of Sri Lanka. and the following declarations: declarations made under Article (6) and (8). Article 6: In terms of Article 6, the Secretary/Ministry of Justice is designated the Central Authority. Article 8: the authority competent to act upon a Letter of Request pursuant to Article 8 would be the Secretary, Ministry of Justice.
Sitoutumispäivä: R
Sitoutumispäivä: R
Alueellinen soveltaminen: Ei sovelleta Färsaariin eik? Grönlantiin. 1) qu?en vertu des dispositions de l?article 39, alin?a 1, la Convention ne s?appliquera pas aux territoires des iles F?ro? et du Groenland; 2) qu?en vertu des dispositions de l?article 42, alin?a 1, a) le Royaume de Danemark s?oppose a l?utilisation du francais dans toute demande, communication ou autre documentation adress?s a son Autorit? centrale (cf. article 24, alin?a 2); b) il n?est tenu au paiement des frais li?s a la participation d?un avocat ou d?un conseiller juridique, ou aux frais de justice, que dans la mesure ou ces couts peuvent etre couverts par son systeme d?assistance judiciaire et juridique (cf. article 26, alin?a 3).
Sitoutumispäivä: L
...subject to the reservation, made pursuant to Articles 24 and 42 thereof, that it accepts only the use of the English language in any application, communication or other document sent to its Central Authority, and, in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1, thereof, declares that it has designated the Office of the Attorney-General of the Kingdom of Thailand as the Central Authority.
Trinidad ja tobago
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Authority: ...that the Children?s Authority of Trinidad and Tobago is designated to act as the central authority pursuant to Article 6 of the Convention. The Children?s Authority Act. No. 64 of 2000 which establishes a Children?s Authority of Trinidad and Tobago has been enacted. The National Family Services Division of the Office of the Prime Minister (Social Services Delivery) will serve as the interim authority pending proclamation of the Act.
Sitoutumispäivä: R
Having examined this Convention and knowing that the Parliament of the Czech Republic has given its consent thereto, we hereby ratify and confirm it with the Reservation according to Article 42 of the Convention, that the Czech Republic shall not be bound to assume any costs referred to in Article 26, paragraph 2 of the Convention, resulting from the participation of legal counsel or advisers or from our court proceedings, except insofar as those costs may be covered by its legal system of legal aid and advice.
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Firstly, in accordance with the provisions of Article 24 of the Convention, applications, communications or other documents sent to the Tunisian Central Authority shall be accompanied, where applicable, by a translation into Arabic. When a translation into Arabic is not feasible, the documents shall be translated into French. Secondly, in accordance with the provisions of Article 26 of the Convention, the Republic of Tunisia shall not be bound to assume any costs referred to in the second paragraph of this Article, except insofar as those costs may be covered by its system of legal aid.
Sitoutumispäivä: R
In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 26, the Republic of Turkey shall not be bound to assume any costs and expences of the proceedings or, where applicable, those arising from the participation of legal counsel or advisers and those of returning the child. Authority: Ministry of Justice The General Directorate of International Law and Foreign Relations Address: Milli M?dafaa Cad. No: 22 06659 Ankara, Turkey Telephone Numbers: 90(312)425 84 97 90(312)418 29 32 Telefax Number: 90(312)425 02 90
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Sitoutumispäivä: L
The Government of New Zealand hereby declares in accordance with Article 24 and Article 42 of the Convention that any application, communication or other document sent to its Central Authority should either be in the English language or accompanied by a translation thereof in the English language. The Government of New Zealand hereby further declares in accordance with Article 26 and Article 42 of the Convention that it reserves the right not to be bound to assume the costs referred to in Article 26 resulting from the participation of legal counsel or advisers or from Court proceedings, except insofar as those costs may be covered by its system of legal aid and advice.
Sitoutumispäivä: L
The Republic of Uzbekistan shall not be bound to assume any costs referred to in the paragraph 2 of the artcle 26 and resulting from the participation of legal counsel or from court proceedings
Sitoutumispäivä: L
The Republic of Belarus declares that it shall not be bound to assume any costs referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 26 of this Convention resulting from the participation of legal counsel or advisers or from our court proceedings, except insofar as those costs may be covered by its system of legal aid and advice.
Sitoutumispäivä: R
Todas las communicaciones para la Autoridad Central deben estar redactadas en idioma espanol. La Republica de Venezuela no esta obligada a asumir ninguno de los gastos mencionados en el parrafo tercero del Articulo 26.
Sitoutumispäivä: L
Reservations Articles: 26 "The Russian Federation in accordance with Article 42 of the Convention shall not consider itself bound by the obligation to assume costs, as provided for in the second paragraph of Article 26 of the Convention, resulting from the participation of the legal counsel or advisers or from court proceedings, except for those costs that may be covered by its system of legal aid and advice."
Sitoutumispäivä: L
1) pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 1, of the Convention the Republic of Estonia designates the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Estonia as the Central Authority; 2) pursuant to Article 42 and Article 24, paragraph 2, of the Convention the Republic of Estonia only accepts English language with regard to applications, communications or other documents; 3) pursuant to Article 42 and Article 26, paragraph 3, of the Convention the Republic of Estonia will not accept obligations with regard to expenses referred to in Article 26, paragraph 2, which result from the participation of a legal counsel or advisers or from court proceedings, except insofar as those costs may be covered by its system of legal aid and advice.
Sitoutumispäivä: R
(1) Pursuant to the second paragraph of Article 24, and Article 42, the United States makes the following reservation: All applications, communications and other documents sent to the U.S. Central Authority should be accompanied by their translation into English. (2) Pursuant to the third paragraph of Article 26, the United States declares that it will not be bound to assume any costs or expences resulting from the participation of legal counsel or advisers or from court and legal proceedings in connection with efforts to return children from the United States pursuant to the Convention except insofar as those costs or expences are covered by a legal aid program.
Sitoutumispäivä: L
...subject to the reservation that the costs mentioned in the second paragraph of Article 26 of the Aforesaid Convention shall not be borne by the State.